I read an interesting article posted in the Washington Post Online edition. It states that " When my mother passed away, my wife, my cousin and I went to go through her things. I remember picking up this photo album, and all these photos fell out. I was in some of them, but really, I had no idea who all these people were. There were no names, no identifiers, no dates, no places. Nothing. My mother and father had divorced when I was very young, and I’d grown up mostly with my father’s family, so I had so many questions. I just stood there, realizing how much history I’d lost — how much of my personal history was beyond my reach."
Also, Halloween is right around the corner! I found some interesting recipes to try with the Pumpkin after you carve out. I may have to try these recipes..click here to view Pumpkin recipes
“These oysters are unbelievable. The cup on them is just amazing.” With that, she slurped one down and nodded. “They are all about the texture and the feel in the mouth. Creamy and meaty, with just a tiny bit of salt.”
And, The Trial of the Century continues with Michael Jackson's doctor. An article in USA Today states that the doctors patients testified in court on the doctor's behalf. The article states that
"Five former heart patients of Michael Jackson's $150,000-a-month personal doctor praised him at his homicide trial Wednesday as capable, caring and anything but greedy.
But prosecutor David Walgren sought to score points against defendant Conrad Murray in scathing cross-examination of the defense witnesses. Walgren attempted to show they were biased and that Murray's care of Jackson was far lower in quality than how he treated them."
"I feel like God said 'Joel, go connect with other pastors and get people into good, Bible-based churches,’" he said Monday at a Champions Network meeting in Washington, D.C. "I'm trying to throw a wide net of hope and catch people flipping through the channels unaware of Christ."
According to an article in the NY Times Online edition, A study reveals why its hard to keep the weight off in some people. "For years, studies of obesity have found that soon after fat people lost weight, their metabolism slowed and they experienced hormonal changes that increased their appetites. Scientists hypothesized that these biological changes could explain why most obese dieters quickly gained back much of what they had so painfully lost."
Well, Time to head outside to enjoy what's left of the daylight. Plus, I have to do a little grocery shopping and get ready for my Out of Town drive this weekend. I have been invited to Birthday party at a Rollerskating Rink...nevermind that I haven't roller skated in years! LOL! So, I'll be putting my "Old Self" in a pair of roller skates for the first time..It should be Interesting! :-) Until next time, Be Safe and a Have a Glorious Day!!