Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial Day 2023

Happy Memorial Day and I hope all are having a Fab Day thus far and enjoying having the day off from work? I am having a quiet and peaceful day nothing to complain about because I enjoy my solitude. Plus, I'm busy creating and designing layouts.....I love creating and playing in PSP Land. 

Well, I don't want to write too much on the blog since most are celebrating the day with cookouts, at the Beach or entertaining at home. Have a Blessed week and Be Best. 


Thursday, May 25, 2023

Thirsty THursday

Thirsty Thursday and I hope all are having a BLAST of a Day! I am having a relaxing and quiet day and nothing wrong with that I guess....I did manage to clean the house and have everything sparkly clean. 
The sun is shining outside making for a great day to be outdoors or just taking a cruise admiring nature's beauty. 

Oh, and I manage to play in PSP Land creating digital art. I love creating and designing. Well, I gotta go and hope all have a Blessed Day and remember to be kind to everyone you meet. 


Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Tina Turner Dead

Tina Turner 1939-202Tina Turner, the raspy-voiced fireball who overcame domestic abuse and industry ambivalence to emerge as one of rock and soul’s brassiest, most rousing and most inspirational performers, died Wednesday at age 83. 

HIdey Hoo and that was the sad news I read recently. It's a sad day around the world learning of Tina Turner's passing today. She was an Icon. SHe was a Legend and her music will live on for years.

In other news, no other news because Tina Turner is the NEWS!!

I won't say too much on the Blog but i hope all have a Fab day and remember to be kind to everyone you meet.


Monday, May 22, 2023

Monday AGAIN

Hidey Hoo and I hope all had a Fab Monday thus far? I had a quiet and peaceful day today but I ain't complaining. I manage to get a few digital art layouts created and posted to social media. I love designing and creating!! Now, If I can only find a way to make money? 
Any way, in other news, It was a beautiful day to be outdoors enjoying the fresh air and warm sunshine. Although, I spent half the day sleeping. I don't know why I sleep so much? 

And, in music news, I was listening to a great song on YouTube. I may use it in a future video I create maybe? 
Well, I gotta go and hope all have a Blessed evening or day wherever you call home in this world. 
Oh, and I hope you enjoy the designs I create.