Sunday, December 31, 2023

Bye 2023 Hello 2024

Happy New Year 2024

Hidey Hoo and this is the last day of the 2023 year before the world rings in 2024... This Holiday doesn't quite feel the same as I try to process life activities that have occured over the past couple of months. But I am trying to remain optimistic and keep a positive note. 

I hope all have a great day and bring in the New Year with lots of cheer and good tidings. 



Sunday, December 24, 2023

Xmas Eve and No Place to GO

Christmas Eve and He's making a list....checking it twice
Gonna find out who is Naughty or Nice  Santa Claus is coming to Town..

And, It looks like as though we won't be having any snow this Christmas just like last year. I was hoping for a lil snow but oh well. Actually, I really need to be some place where it's warm all year long. 

I really don't feel like writing on the Blog so I will end it here and say hope all have a Blessed Holiday Season!! As for me, It will be quiet and peaceful.