Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday

A cloudy and Rainy day on this Easter Holiday! This is the day in which our Lofd's Son was Risen from the grave to save our souls. A Blessed Day to say the least even the weather is rainy...but even the Rain can be beautiful for it cleanses the world of all its' impurities!! for more inspiration, check out the article in the Online version of the Catholic Review.
And, The Pope celebrated Mass on this Easter morning by saying " Let us become agents of this mercy, channels thru which God can water this earth, protect all creation and make justice and peace flourish," the Pope said after celebrating Easter Mass today. 
You can read more of the article in the Online version of the Catholic Review here

As for me, it was a quiet Easter day for me...I felt like spending the day in bed since it is raining. The kind of day to just sleep but I had to wake up and did a little house cleaning. It always amazes me what one finds when cleaning the house!  I found a few coins in the sofa cushion, some old magazines and a Birthday card from someone who had passed away recently. 

After cleaning the house, I logged onto the computer to check emails, social media sites and update Blog. Also, I am thinking of creating a new digikit to post....all depends on how i feel and what kind of kit I want to create! But I did create some lovely art pages in which you can view them above and below this post. 

Well, I have to go and take care of some more business. Enjoy the art pages and Have a Blessed day and make sure to eat plenty chocolate bunnies, Marshmallow Peeps and find the colored eggs littering the grass. 

A CT page for the kit " Spring has arrived" by Carolyn Cooper and is available for purchase. 

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