Sunday, July 28, 2024

Let us Pray

 Happy Sunday and I hope all are having a great weekend and getting plenty of rest to begin a brand new week? I am having a quiet and peaceful Sunday. Although, I love having a quiet day all to myself.  

I managed to create a few AI Designs to post on the social media and Blog....I created the AI design to the side of this writing and I hope you enjoy. I love getting lost in AI World and seeing what creations come about. It's so Addictive! 

Also, I submitted a few Online applications hoping to hear good news regarding employment opportunity soon. I really want a job where I can relocate to another place to live. I love living in Maryland and the DC area but I just feel like I need a change but I don't know where I want to relocate? Keep Hope Alive is what I say.... 

Meanwhile, I'll just continue to play in AI World. In news, It looks as though Kamala Harris is taking America by storm and many people are getting tired of Donald Trump. I have a feeling  a Blue Wave is coming this election and the first Female President will be in the White House! America needs a female to clean up the mess that all those previous males created during their time in the White House. 

I really don't feel like talking, or rather, writing about politics on my Blog. So, I'll just end the blog here and hope all have a Fab Day. And, Enjoy the AI Designs I create and post here.