Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Busy Day Busy Week

Hidey Hoo and I hope all are/had a wonderful day today? I had a great day and got a lot accomplished today. Well, It has been a busy week for me personally and a busy news week!! First, I will start out with the personal business... My Mother was admitted to the hospital because the doctor found a growth on her kidney-and later found out it was Cancer! But the good news is the doctor caught it in time and removed all of the Cancer from the kidney-WooHoo!  The procedure she had was called Laparoscopic- removing part of the Kidney.  After surgery, My Mother had to go thru rehab because she couldn't walk which was a side effect from the surgery.  And, She is now walking with a walker. I always joke with her by saying you walked into the hospital without the aid of a walker and now you'll be leaving with the aid of a walker, Haha. 

In other news, Have you all been following that story of the cop who shot an unharmed man in his apartment because she thought he was an intruder in her apartment? She walked into the man's apartment thinking it was her apartment and shot him cold hearted. I don't know something just doesn't add up with this story. 
And, During the trial, The victims brother wanted to hug the woman who shot his brother-say what!! It really is a F*cked up world we live in and people are so CRAZY!! They act without thinking!! It's like humanity has lost all compassion with our fellow brothers and sisters.  Here's a snippet of the article: 

A Dallas police officer has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for fatally shooting her unarmed,  neighbor in his home.
The jury sentenced Amber Guyger on Wednesday. Guyger was convicted of murder Tuesday in the September 2018 killing of her upstairs neighbor, Botham Jean.   
 In Texas, a murder sentence can range from five years to life in prison, but the judge also instructed jurors on a so-called sudden passion defense, which carries a range of 2-20 years behind bars.  Guyger was still dressed in her police uniform after a long shift when she shot Jean, a 26-year-old accountant from the Caribbean island nation of St. Lucia. She was fired from the force and charged with murder.
Guyger testified that she mistook Jean’s apartment for her own, which was one floor below, and that she thought he was a burglar in her home.

If you'd like to read the article, click here 

And, The Autumn season is slowly creeping upon us although today was HOT, HOT and HOT! It felt almost Summer didn't want to leave.  But the days are getting shorter as the nights get longer...I love long nights though! 

I really don't feel like writing too much on the blog so I will just say hope all have a great night/evening wherever you may call home.  Until next time and let's all have some compassion for other people cause we all have to live on this planet!! 

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