Thursday, May 23, 2024

Day Before Long Holiday

Hidey Hoo and I hope all are having a great Thursday thus far? And, The longest weekend is almost upon us as we celebrate Memorial Day here in the USA.  As usual, I have no plans but my schedule is like the wind and can blow in any direction. 

Well, I had a couple of job interviews but nothing resulted in a job so far. I really want to relocate to the Southwest because I love the scenic beauty but I'll settle for either Florida or DC. I love the DC area and would choose that over any other place. Meanwhile, I am keeping busy creating AI Designs to post on social media and the Blog. I love creating and if only I could find a job where I could create layouts. But then again, If it were a job maybe I wouldn't like creating designs, Hehe.  

I gotta go and see what I can get into before the day ends. Hope all have a Blessed Day and remember to be kind to everyone you meet. 


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