Friday, June 7, 2024

Weekend Fun 2024

 Happy FriYay and we made it to another weekend! And, as usual, I have no plans for the weekend but my schedule is like the wind and can blow in any direction at a moment's notice. But I know one thing I'll be doing over the weekend- creating AI elements and artwork-to post on social media. A day without playing in AI is a day wasted to me. I was playing around with creating movie posters in AI and check out the results below.

Also, I need to find a job because I need funds deposited into the bank account PRONTO!! I need some checks NOW!! 

In news, I read an article informing that Biden is in the lead of Trump....I really don't understand how anyone can vote for a criminal? Trump has been found guilty in a recent court case against him which would make him a felony. Why does America need a felony in the highest Office of the Land? America needs to wake up and smell the coffee before that coffee gets burned!! Any way, I am tired of talking, or rather, writing about politics because my Blog is not about that but rather about beautiful things and my AI and graphic art. And, on that note, I'll end the blog here and I hope all have a great weekend. Remember to be kind to everyone you meet cause we all have to live in this world together. 

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